DNB updates Payment Statistics (DNB PAY 1.1.0)

  • 14th January 2022
  • DNB

DNB updates Payment Statistics (DNB PAY 1.1.0) DNB updates the taxonomy of the Payments Statistics (DNB PAY 1.1.0) for ‘Payments Service Provider’ (PSP) and ‘Payments System Operator’ (PSO). Both PSPs and PSOs are required to report information relating to payments and payment systems statistics as laid out in Regulation (EU) 2020/2011 that applies as from January 1, 2022.

Institutions that are currently submitting Payment Statistics reports do so on basis of the PMTS taxonomy. The relevant module for credit institutions that report on a quarterly basis is PMTS-M, and for PSPs other than credit institutions or PSPs that have been granted a partial derogation these are PMTS-O and PMTS-G, respectively. The reporting of all PMTS modules are slated to be phased out in the course of 2022. Depending on the module the last reference period will thus be the last quarter of 2021 or the year 2021. The phasing out of the PMTS taxonomy means that related products such as the internet publication on retail payments (5.12) and limited backreporting of aggregates will be discontinued or replaced in an alternative form.

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