EIOPA Solvency II Insurance Data Point Model and Taxonomy 2.8.0

EIOPA Solvency II Insurance Data Point Model and Taxonomy 2.8.0According to the Governance of Taxonomy Releases, the EIOPA Solvency II DPM and the XBRL taxonomy package 2.8.0 is to be used from 31/12/2023 until an updated version is announced. Due to the scope of changes stemming from a comprehensive review of the Solvency II Directive: It was decided that the 2.8.0 release will be preceded by a number of Public Working Drafts.

This approach allowed filers to have more time for implementation of their reporting solutions. The first two working drafts introduced modelling changes to the Solvency II model. The third working draft focused on providing revised validations and familiarize users with the new structure of published materials. As such, both the Excel Dictionary and Annotated Templates have been published according to two approaches.

EIOPA Solvency II Insurance Data Point Model and Taxonomy 2.8.0 (Published 17/03/2023).

EIOPA would like to draw users’ attention towards the updates of files structure. The most notable change introduced in the Annotated templates was to define just only one table per tab. In the past tables were organized on the table group level. Which lead to situation where more than twenty tables could be included in a single tab (e.g., S.27 tabs). Therefore, the Entry point tab worksheet (now called: “Table of contents”) had to be rebuild and is now more detailed. But at the same time it supplies an opportunity to navigate directly to each technical table. Additionally, the DPM modelling is provided in MD manner so it would be easier to cross-check the content of the Annotated templates and XBRL taxonomy. Where only MD Metrics are applied in templates modelling. In case of open tables, it shall be mentioned that key columns are now made differently comparing to other columns. But all the relevant information, including the column codes, is still there.

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