OneGate Filing Rules version 5.2

  • 26th October 2022
  • NBB

NBB OneGate Filing Rules version 5.2As announced in the news item of 28/06/2022, OneGate needs an update to comply with the Filing Rules version 5.2 requirements by the European Banking Authority (EBA). This will be done in two phases.

  • Filing Rule 1.6 is implemented in the OneGate test environment. This implies that a filing indicator is required for each template in the taxonomy, regardless if the template is available in the OneGate control panel.
  • Filing Rule 3.6 will be implemented in the OneGate test environment around mid-November. This implies that the CON/IND information disappears from the taxonomy and the OneGate report. This will be added as an extension to the identifier.

The reporting protocol was modified and both changes will be implemented in the production environment of OneGate around the end of the year.

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